
Good wine & better company

Entering the studio in the rain, I juggled my umbrella, a bottle of wine, and my trusty baker boy hat, only to find my friends already there, kitted up in colorful, paint-splattered aprons. Our instructor revealed the theme for the night: R&B, setting the tone with a playlist to match. Our feature painting displayed a captivating portrayal of a Moorish lady. With excitement mounting, I donned my apron and made a beeline for the wine selection, opting for a bold red to fuel my creative spirit.

Ready to conquer a blank canvas

With canvases prepped and palettes brimming with vibrant hues, the moment had arrived! Facing the blank canvas was a bit daunting, nevertheless a thrilling challenge. The wine poured freely, so did the laughter and banter and the evening brimmed with joie de vivre! My inhibitions faded with each stroke fueled by the spirited wine. I even caught myself almost dipping my brushes into my wine glass for an impromptu wash! The playful spirit of my baker boy hat unleashed my inner artist, infusing my portrayal of a Moorish woman with newfound personality. A dab of contour here, a touch of blush there, and voilà! – she transformed from a simple countryside maiden to a chic urbanite!

My urbanite Moorish lady

Next up we delved into painting the choker and her braid with neon colors. And then came the ultimate surprise, the pièce de résistance! As our instructor flicked off the lights and switched on the UV, we were met with a kaleidoscope of vivid hues, from radiant peach to sizzling hot pink and electrifying yellow, illuminating the room. I dove headfirst into this neon experience. But the fun didn’t stop there! With leftover paint at our disposal, my talented friend adorned our cheeks with playful dot designs. Under the UV light our faces transformed into glowing works of art too!

Painting in UV light

The highlight of this adventure was undoubtedly the chance to bond with friends over something fresh and exhilarating, a welcome change from the usual sports outings or dinner gatherings. Honestly, there wasn’t a single downside—though we did have to bring our own snacks, but that just gave us an excuse to indulge in delicious pizzas! The studio, while smaller and simpler than expected, had an undeniable charm, and our instructor, a young and promising artist, added an extra spark to the experience. Surprisingly, the act of painting felt natural and effortless. And the cherry on top? Taking home our masterpieces right then and there, no waiting required! All in all, it’s a fantastic way to spend an evening—whether with friends or flying solo—to unlock your inner Picasso and create lasting memories.

Our very own masterpieces
Glowing ladies!

If you have tried it out at Paint and Sip Parramatta | Pinot and Picasso | Book Now, i’d love to hear about you experience. Happy painting!



In the whirlwind we call life, it’s crucial to hit pause now and then. We’re always on the move—so much I often joke the year zooms by faster than a bullet train. I’m the type who lives life in the fast lane, always in high gear. Burn bright, burn fast. Taking things slow isn’t exactly my forte but it’s definitely got its downsides. Topping that list is total burnout. Without proper breaks to recharge both body and soul, you can kiss recovery and focus goodbye.

Lately, though, I’ve pivoted my attention to what I’m putting into my body, because let’s face it—we are what we eat. While nailing down nutrition is one thing, feeding your soul is a whole other conversation. Love is a game-changer here. Pouring your heart and soul into what you love is soul food for anyone. When I need a reset, I love to ground myself with a simple yoga flow or a mindful meditation on those lazy mornings.

What is Mindfulness?

But hey, life’s hectic and not everyone has a spare 30 minutes for yoga or quality time with loved ones every single day. That’s where mindfulness steps in for me. It’s something I can practice anytime, anywhere—no matter how crammed the schedule is. It’s about truly being there in the moment, with every little task or interaction, savoring the now. It’s a game-changer. And that’s something worth remembering, especially when time is a luxury.

So, what is mindfulness? A widely accepted definition of mindfulness is the “…a form of nonjudgmental, purposeful attention in the present moment“. Simply put mindfulness is full engagement in the moment. Being present in the now. You’re just totally dialed into the present, not stressing over the past or stressing out about the future. It’s an old-school idea that’s been around for ages. Buddhism emphasizes mindfulness and meditation as an important factor in the Eight-fold path. The tradition of Yoga is a form of mindfulness. It’s not just an Eastern thing – Taoism in China and Stoicism in Greece emphasized on self-awareness, acceptance of the present moment and living in harmony with nature and oneself.

A fragmented life

The problem of lacking mindfulness really boils down to our inability to anchor ourselves in the immediacy of ‘now.’ It’s like we’re constantly skipping ahead on the track of life, eager to get to the next moment, erroneously believing that somehow the next moment will be better than this one. The high-speed chase of what’s next has us juggling too many balls in the air; our mantra has morphed into ‘more is better,’ forgetting the age-old wisdom of less can be so much more.

Every ping from our phones and every tab open on our browsers has our attention fragmented, bit by bit. Torn between past regrets and future aspirations, our minds are seldom here, in the present moment. And as the bells and whistles of our digital life grow louder, the quiet contentment that once was seems quieter now. We’ve traded a slice of our mental stillness for a larger piece of the technological pie—only to wonder if that trade-off was worth it.

Benefits of Mindfulness

Despite the fact we can’t hit rewind on modern life’s fast-forward button, mindfulness is a hack that can amp up the quality of our lives. Because when you break it down, life’s basically a playlist of moments. Here are some ways that bringing mindfulness into my routine has been a game-changer.

  • Nutrition – By eating mindfully, I’m aware of the feeling of satiety. I eat when I’m hungry and stop when I’m full.
  • Connections – When it comes to time, more doesn’t always mean better. Putting away all distractions just for 5 minutes while I listen to my daughter talk about her day helps us bond with each other.
  • Fitness – Due to a recent minor injury I was forced to be more aware of which muscles to engage and which ones to ease off on. This has made me more mindful of activating the right muscle groups while strength training.
  • Emotional and mental regulation – I like to be intentional with where and who I invest my energy in. A daily practice helps me strengthen my mindfulness muscle so that I can exercise more control over where my attention goes.
  • Sleep – Focusing on deep and slow breathing at bedtime helps me fall asleep quicker and sleep more soundly.
  • Experiences – I love learning about different cultures. Immersing myself in my local environment on a vacation makes it more enriching and memorable.

Cultivating Mindfulness

Here are some of my tried and tested tips to cultivate mindfulness into your life:

  • Establish a regular mindfulness practice to anchor yourself in the present moment. A 5-minute seated meditation practice, done consistently over a period of time can bring significant improvement in our ability to stay engaged in the present moment for longer. Insight Timer — #1 Free Meditation App is my go-to app for a quick mindfulness breathing practice.
  • Practicing Single-tasking – Despite being contradictory to my blog name, I’m a big fan of focusing on one activity at a time. For example, when I eat a meal, I pay full attention to the taste, texture, and sensation of each bite, rather than eating while checking emails or watching TV. Using a time blocking daily schedule helps me zone into the one task at hand. Try designing yours with this – Daily Time Blocking Schedule | Free Printable Download (
  • Reduce Technological distractions – Set some boundaries for device usage by designating tech-free time & spaces. Aim to replace the temptation to reach for your phone by 1 to 5-minute-deep breathing session. in my experience, it’s the best way to bring your heart rate down and reset your focus. Journaling is another way to be productive while being off the grid.
  • Avoid the ‘Busyness’ Culture – I’m often guilty of this one! However, I’ve come to realize that setting realistic expectations and giving myself rest and recovery time helps immensely with performance and output. It’s quality over quantity!
  • PracticeMindful moments‘ – Engaging the mind and senses fully in mundane daily tasks is a great way to introduce mindfulness into your day. Whenever you catch yourself dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, strive to bring conscious awareness to the task at hand by noticing the sights, sounds, smell, textures, temperature etc. around you. There’s magic to be found in every moment! Remember to start small and build on these habits slowly. For a start the 5-minute rule. read more here – How to Use the 5-Minute Rule to Get Your Work Done – Wild Rose Learning (

I’d love to hear your thoughts…

Whether lost in the pages of an enchanting novel or feeling a gentle breeze against your skin, the transformative influence of mindfulness is unmistakable. I’d love to hear your thoughts and reflections on mindfulness. Leave me a comment or connect with me in Instagram. Wishing you wonderful week ahead!



With passage of time, there is so much that has gone on. I never even realised that I am getting old. Savour the moment is my mantra now. Live for …

Passage of Time.



As the novelty of a new year wears out and reality kicks in I used my down time to think about my new year resolutions. earlier this month at a new years even party, the question of New Year’s resolutions gently bubbled up sparking mixed reactions. While some talked excitedly about their desire for transformation, others prefer to take life as it comes. It made me wonder if new year resolutions are still relevant.

Being a result oriented person, I absolutely geek out over New Year’s resolutions. I mean, who doesn’t love scribbling down a fancy to-do list for the universe!

Not only does it give us a chance to acknowledge and celebrate our achievements, but it also provides an opportunity to reflect on how, where and why we faltered and stumbled. That life’s journey is replete with lessons, and it’s through the trials and errors that we grow and develop. And that growth often comes dressed in the cloak of failure.

Historically speaking, engaging in the tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions goes hand-in-hand with the deep cultural and emotional importance placed on new beginnings. The million-dollar question? How de we make these resolutions stick? Is it super glue, magic, or sheer stubbornness?

Before we jump headfirst into the how, let’s explore the main pitfalls of making resolutions that often lead to disappointment.

Setting goals can be an exciting process, but there are common pitfalls that hinder our progress. Below are five usual suspects that trip us up, and how we can sidestep them to maintain momentum:

  1. Casting Pie-in-the-Sky Goals – While ambition can fuel progress, setting goals that are too lofty can lead to significant disappointment and a sense of failure. For example, aiming to become a bestselling author within a year when you haven’t yet finished writing your book sets an unrealistic standard that, when unmet, can discourage you from writing altogether.
  2. The ‘All or Nothing’ Trap – Viewing your journey as all or nothing can cause unnecessary pressure and a skewed perception of failure. Imagine someone dieting who has one cheat meal and then decides their entire diet is ruined, leading to complete abandonment of healthy eating.
  3. The Lure of the Crowd – It’s often easy to get swept up in what’s trending and shape your goals around public opinion, losing sight of what’s truly important to you. For instance, you might find yourself striving for a digital nomad lifestyle because of its popularity online, even if you genuinely crave stability and routine.
  4. Lack of System – Without a structured system or plan, even well-intentioned goals can quickly become overwhelming. An example of this is a person who vows to ‘get organized’ but has no method to approach the clutter, resulting in a chaotic attempt that yields little to no progress.
  5. The Comparison Game – Comparing your progress to others can be disheartening, leading to decreased self-esteem and motivation. Take an entrepreneur who constantly measures their startup’s success against a competitor’s, ignoring their own unique context and milestones, potentially spiraling into demotivation and burnout.

Steering away from these stumbling blocks can significantly improve your goal-setting experience. Keep these insights in hand and watch how they bring about a transformative impact on your personal and professional pursuits. Now for the how!

Goal-Setting Reinvented – Embracing a well-structured plan for setting objectives, which involves precisely articulated, attainable targets within a defined timeframe, can significantly boost drive and responsibility. Opting for SMART criteria is an excellent kickoff. This acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Despite its widespread usage, the SMART technique has been critiqued for allowing room for misinterpretation, such as the risk of setting overly modest benchmarks and considering them as achievable. Remembering a few pivotal points can optimize the goal-setting process.

Moving beyond the traditional SMART framework, which is a staple in business but less adaptable to personal aspirations, we can explore an alternative: PACT goals. Emphasizing the journey over the destination, PACT stands for goals that are Purposeful, Actionable, Continuous, and Trackable. These elements ensure that your goals align with your deepest values and can be pursued consistently with clear actions.

When it comes to setting goals, less is often more. Imposing a cap on yourself with a maximum of three concurrent goals can exponentially increase your chances of triumph. This strategy simplifies your focus and wards off the paralysis that comes from being overwhelmed. By investing your efforts in a limited cluster of objectives, each goal gets the dedicated attention and nurturing it needs to flourish. Prioritization becomes key — select your goals with unflinching honesty, ensuring they resonate with your fundamental beliefs and passions.

Strategize with Systems – Goals give you direction, but systems propel you forward. Think of systems as your daily travel companions on the road to achievement. If your aspiration is to pen a novel, devise a daily writing ritual or a schedule for regular research. Inspired by James Clear’s wisdom in “Atomic Habits,” we learn the importance of structure. Familiarize yourself with the four laws of behavior change: make it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying to etch productive habits into your life. The end goal? A robust framework for success. For a deeper dive and practical tools, the Atomic Habits book website is your treasure trove, including cheat sheets to enhance your system-creating skills. Creating lasting habits isn’t just about willpower—it’s about smart strategy. Embrace the power of targeted planning to make new routines stick like glue. Picture this: your gym clothes, neatly laid out the night before, calling your name at dawn. Such small acts of preparedness are a silent cheerleader for your commitment, setting up not just your environment but also your mind for success.

Now, let’s talk about the magic of Habit stacking. Imagine seamlessly weaving a new thread into the fabric of your day-to-day life. It’s like adding a splash of milk to your morning coffee; it just fits. Pick a habit you’ve mastered—say, your cherished morning coffee ritual—then couple it with an aspiring habit, like reading a few pages of a book. This blend of new and old creates a rich tapestry of routines that are as robust as they are rewarding. Habit stacking doesn’t just build habits; it builds a better you, using the momentum of your existing patterns.

Embrace Each Triumph – Revel in the joy of little triumphs! Every step forward, no matter how minor, deserves recognition. Striving for perfection is less important than acknowledging and honoring the journey itself. Show yourself compassion and understand that stumbling blocks are simply milestones in disguise. By breaking down larger endeavors into bite-sized pieces, you turn daunting tasks into delightful challenges. When faced with setbacks, adopt a mindset of growth and resilience. See these moments not as stumbling blocks, but as steppingstones to greater mastery and success.

Align Goals with Personal Values: It’s vital to comprehend and prioritize your own standards to set goals that reflect your authentic self-interests. By doing so, you commit to pursuing aspirations that hold personal significance, steering clear of being influenced by societal pressures. Formulate objectives that are a true reflection of your own ambitions and passions and are not exclusively rooted in the pursuit of outside approval.

Set Clear Boundaries: Define and share your objectives and limits with those around you. This clarity will assist in aligning external expectations with your priorities. Master the Art of Declining. Feel empowered to refuse extra responsibilities that aren’t aligned with your goals. This ensures you keep a healthy equilibrium between your own ambitions and the demands of others.

Continuous Reflection: Consistently review your objectives to confirm they resonate with your core beliefs and future ambitions. Adapting them when needed allows you to stay aligned with your true self amidst various external influences, preserving the genuineness of your endeavors.

Embark on Your Own Odyssey and Cherish Uniqueness: Embarking on your unique odyssey, honor your own milestones and growth. Comparison can be a thief of joy, so relish the fact that no two journeys are the same. Understand that your key to success may not fit someone else’s lock. Let the triumphs of others spark your motivation, not your envy. Draw on their stories and distill wisdom to forge ahead on your own quest. In spotlighting your individual achievements and the steps you’ve taken, you eclipse the unproductive shadow of comparison, keeping your eyes on the prize that is solely yours. Oh! and Practice Gratitude. Acknowledge your accomplishments and be grateful for your journey. Focusing on what you’ve achieved can counteract the urge to compare.

May your 2024 soar to new heights, filled with joy and success!



As I packed my bags for this tropical holiday, I decided to go light with the packing. The plan was to spend the first afternoon resting and recuperating. My anticipation growing with each passing moment. Little did I know our flight had other plans!

Arriving well in time at the airport for an early flight with the promise of tropical destination holiday, i started to feel relaxed when the voice on the speaker announced our flight was running late. Putting the minor hiccups behind us we boarded the flight an hour late and settled into our seats. I got sucked into my kindle reading one of my many half read books. But apparently we weren’t done with the hurdles. Half-way through the flight we were informed by our pilot that the plane’s landing lights have faltered and pose a landing risk. So we turned back to Brisbane for hopefully a quick fix for the technical difficulties which in fact, was an engine failure! With no immediate fix and a wait of 2.5 hrs for a replacement plane and crew, we lounged around. Once back on the plane, all I did was stare at the flight path on screen in front of me to make sure we were in fact flying to Nadi.

Finally arriving in Nadi sleep deprived and looking haggardly 6.5 hours late, we snaked through the finish line at the immigration checkpoint. A friendly team waiting for us from Rosie holidays welcomed us with seashell necklaces before ferrying us off to the resort island of Denarau. Arriving at the hotel lobby of Sheraton Denarau | Marriot Bonvoy I was in awe of the grand entry. Its contemporary modern design sprinkled with islandic flair, panelled high ceilings with sky lights and use of creative water features through out was sight for sore eyes and put our weary minds and bodies at ease.

An affable bellboy greeted us with the quintessential ‘Bula’ and helped us get to our villa which we explored in 30 seconds before heading of the sandy floored Tatavu bar and grill to satiate our growling tummies.

Next morning, we started off the day with buffet breakfast at Island 619 overlooking the pool and the ocean front. The polite, all Fijian staff don’t miss a beat and are often spotted singing Fijian birthday and farewell songs to guests. The hospitable staff made us feel spoilt at every turn.

The plumeria on their ears is a mark of their companionship status – on the right ear for married and on the left for ‘still looking’. After a little wander around the resort and a short snooze at the villa, it was time to cool off with a dip in the pool on this hot and humid day. Sipping mimosas and playing ‘touch the pool floor’ was a wonderful way to unwind with my little pool companion DD. The water was a lovely cool temperature but not cold. The sun was starting to get closer to the horizon from behind the clouds, silhouetting the palm trees by the beach – tropical island vibes kicking in!

All the pool frolicking made our stomach growl, and it was time to get dry and head back to the resort. Dinner at the Indian buffet left a lot to be desired. The talented live band almost made up for it, belting out famous Bon Jovi numbers and some other classics that were hard not to tap your toe to.

Winding down at the end of the day, I couldn’t help but compare Fiji to Hawaii – also a well frequented island destination. Fiji feels smaller and cozy but still luxurious. The lobby and restaurants overlooking the pool and beach front lends it an air of exclusiveness. Unlike the hotel experience in Hawaii there’s no traffic, no noise – just the beach with the balmy breeze, the pool and the laughter of the people frolicking in it. We’re now on Fiji time – no hurry no worry!

After dinner we kicked our heels and headed for the beach to settle into the recliners. My eyes gazing up at the night sky, stars peeking out from between the palm fronds, I found my tranquil refuge in the gentle lull of the ocean waves.

Feeling rejuvenated, we got off to an early start on day 3 and headed off to load up on continental breakfast. The staff sings ‘Marau nomu siga ni sucu’, wishing a guest happy birthday. We clap along, breaking into ‘hip hip hurray’ and laughs. Our ride for the day awaits outside the lobby. The original driver Setha, is replaced by another. Setha drank too much kava the night before and was too hungover to drive, we’re told!

Our first stop was the Hindu temple. Removing our footwear we make a brave dash on the hot tiles only to be turned back to wrap sarongs to cover our legs out of respect. After a quick round trip of the temple we headed back into cool interiors of our ride.

Next up, a dirt track took us to our next stop – Fiji Cultural Village. A reconstruction of a traditional village built on a sprawling property, it has beautiful vernacular feel. Our tour guide Valentino (not the designer!) greets us on the entrance deck and suggests we put on some bug spray before heading out to this very leafy property. First stop is a timeline of Fiji – how it came to be discovered and the moulding and unfolding of Fijian society from tribes to its current day culture. Cannibalism was widely practiced by tribals who killed invaders, roasted them in a pit and ate them! There are even original pictures to prove this!

A journal entry of mine in 2019 whilst in the throes of the pandemic reads “ dreaming of a holiday in a tropical island swinging on a hammock’. Sans the the hammock, the villa & beachfront pool comes pretty close. At the time, it felt like an impossible dream. Two & a half years post Covid, being outdoors never felt better. In fact I’m addicted!

We walk past a reconstructed cottage, our guide informs us that the kitchen is separated to the main house so that if the kitchen caught fire the house would remain safe. Meandering our way through bamboo plants and plumerias the paved paths & damp earth takes us to another hut. A fire is lit in traditional way using the log of a gum tree and a shaped stick made from the same wood.

Other huts down the track displayed handmade gory battle weapons, handmade fishing tools, clay pottery glazed with tree sap and tree bark fabricated into cloth block printed with natural pigment. The guide took great pleasure in demonstrating a pointy weapon that cracked open skulls to make holes in them. The skulls were then cracked in half to be used a bowls to drink sacrificial blood at temple ceremonies.

Further down the track was a larger & higher hut – the Chief’s hut. A beautifully carved wooden mallet used a wife beater was a centre piece display. Charming. Last stop was the temple with the tallest thatched roofs, where a thousand deities were appeased by making brutal human, actually ‘man’ sacrifices. This was an enjoyable deep dive into ancient Fijian culture (despite the brutal accounts) led by a guide with a great sense of humor!

Next up was the visit to the garden of sleeping giants – a long range of hills with the face of a sleeping giant to be specific. Mud baths and massages are on offer alongside some nifty market stalls selling traditional Fijian jewellery and knick-knacks. We grab a few.

To wrap up the day we headed back into the pool at the resort where we were treated to a traditional warrior dance. Fast, fierce and eye-catching moves saw the dancers moves hurtle flaming torches to the beat of drums. There’s never a dull moment in this holiday!

Last day on the property, hair braiding for DD is on the agenda today and so is relaxing. I looked forward to spend my last lost in tranquility with a 90 minute scrub & massage pamper at Westin. The ‘room’ was actually a wall-less gazebo style enclosure with generous reed blinds for privacy. This Balinese style hut opened up to a lotus and lily pond with abundant ‘pond flora and fauna’ on its banks. The soothing scrub massage accompanied by soft bird calls and perfect quietude lulled me into a restful nap.

Reflecting back on this holiday, Fiji is nothing short of a tropical paradise offering a diverse range of activities to suit all. My fondest memories will be of unwinding by the pristine beaches and the warmth of Fijian hospitability.

Remember, life is short — take the scenic route, laugh a little louder, and find beauty in every adventure!



Recipe of the week is Chicken Curry.

Description: This is a very popular Indian curry usually served with rice or naan all all over the world! 

Benefits: Chicken is one of the best natural sources of protein and very popular with fitness fanatics. The onion and tomato paste& spices infuse the curry with a wholesome flavour & aroma making it irresistible. It provides a good dose of  Vitamin A & C, Iron & calcium. 

food on black ceramic bowl with plate
Photo by Alberta Studios on

Cook time: 20 min

Serves: 4    

Calories*: 444 Cal/ serve (16.4g Carbs | 19.6g Fat | 44.8g Protein)


Chicken breast Or thigh fillets700gm
Broccoli florets (optional)100gm
Brown onion1
Ardmona crushed tomato1 can
Oil (rice bran, vegetable)30ml
Almonds10 – 15
Ginger-garlic paste1 Tbsp
Tandoori paste2 tbsp
Cinnamon powder1 pinch
Turmeric1 tsp
Cardamom powder½ tsp
Coriander powder1 tbsp
Keen’s traditional curry powder1 tbsp
MDH Chicken curry masala1 tbsp
Garam masala1 tsp
Veggie stock-paste (TM)/ Masset Stock Powder1 tbsp
White whine100ml
Salt to taste if needed          
Red Chilli powder (optional)½ tsp
1 dried bay leaf 
Thai red chilli (chopped)                  garnish
Chopped coriandergarnish


  1. Chop chicken fillets in strips of 6x2cm. Marinate in Tandoori paste and oil and refrigerate for 1 hour. 
  2. Add almonds to TM bowl and blitz at speed 10 to make almond meal. Empty into another bowl and set aside. 
  3. Add crushed tomatoes and blend at speed 10 for 10 seconds. Set aside in another bowl.
  4. Clean and dry bowl. Add onion & blitz at speed 5.5 for 5 seconds. Scrape down bowl.
  5. Add ginger-garlic paste , oil & butter. Sauté for 3 minutes.
  6. Add pureed tomato and cook on high heat for 3 minutes at 120◦C/ speed 2. while the onion/ tomato paste cooks. While the onion/ tomato paste cooks, mix all spices except garam masala in a bowl with 3 tbsp of water to make spice mix.
  7. Blend onion/ tomato paste for 30 seconds on speed 10.
  8. Add chicken strips, spice mix, almond meal, white wine, veggie stock-paste & 100 ml of water. Spread chicken around the blade evenly. Cook for 8  minutes at 95◦C/speed 1/reverse blade.
  9. Add broccoli florets and garam masala. Cook for 5 minutes at 95◦C/speed 1/reverse blade
  10. Garnish with chopped coriander to serve. 

Tips & Notes:

  1. Using reverse blade in step 7 will ensure that the paneer cubes maintain   their 
  2. If you’re tracking your food on myfitnesspal, enter ‘Chicken Curry (Thermomix/ Thermomasala) to find and log to you diary. url – To decrease your quantity consumed, just adjust amount when logging food.

* Calories as calculated in myfitnesspal 



Recipe of the week is Palak Paneer (Spinach Cottage cheese curry)

Description: This is a very popular Indian curry usually served with rice or naan. 

Benefits: Spinach is packed with nutrients. High in Vitamin K, A & C it supports immune function . Being high in antioxidants it also boosts healthy skin. Paneer (Cottage cheese) is high in protein; rich in fat, iron, calcium & magnesium & a great alternative to meat in a curry. Combine the two and you’ve got a crowd pleaser. Enjoy!

Palak Paneer

Cook time: 15 min

Serves: 4    

Calories*: 231 Cal/ serve (7.8g Carbs | 15.9g Fat | 11.3g Protein)


Indian Paneer (Sharma’s Kitchen)200gm
Frozen chopped spinach leaf250gm
Brown onion1
Passata or Tomato puree100 gm
Oil (rice bran, vegetable)20ml
Ginger-garlic paste1 Tbsp
Cumin seeds½ tsp
Turmeric½ tsp
Garam masala1 tsp
Salt1 tsp
Red Chilli powder (optional)½ tsp
Lemon juicedrizzle
Chopped coriandergarnish


  1. Add frozen spinach cubes and 250ml of water in TM bowl. Cook on high heat for 5 minutes at 120◦C/speed 2.
  2. To make spinach puree, blend at speed 6 for 1 minute. Empty contents into another bowl and set aside.
  3. Add one brown onion, halved & chop for 5 seconds at speed 5.5. 
  4. Scrape down sides and add ginger-garlic paste, butter, oil and cumin seeds & sauté on high heat for 3 minutes at 120◦C/speed 2. 
  5. Add tomato puree, spices & salt & cook on high heat for 3 minutes at 120◦C/speed 2. 
  6. Blend content for 30 seconds/ speed 6 to make a paste.
  7. Add pureed spinach, 100 ml water, paneer cubes & garam masala, chilli (optional) & cook at 90◦C/speed 2/reverse blade for 2.5 minutes.
  8. Drizzle lemon juice, garnish with chopped coriander and serve with boiled basmati rice. 

Tips & Notes:

  1. After emptying spinach puree out of bowl, instead of washing the bowl, use 100 ml of water and rinse with lid closed. Reserve this ‘spinach water’ for use in step 7.
  2. Using reverse blade in step 7 will ensure that the paneer cubes maintain   their shape. Not doing so will result in a paneer mush.
  3. To make the curry thinner just add a bit more water to taste.
  4. Thermomix Veggie paste can be substituted for salt. Use 1 tsp and adjust to taste. 
  5. To make curry spicier increase qty of chilli to taste. 
  6. If you’re tracking your food on myfitnesspal, enter ‘Palak Paneer (Thermomix/ Thermomasala) to find and log to you diary.

* Calories as calculated in myfitnesspal 



I love this recipe from the basic cookbook. Its one pot and quick and tastes truly delicious. A thermomixer would, by default have been given the basic cookbook recipe book and chip as part of the package so i won’t go into the details of the thermomix method. 

I would like to add that when I followed the book recipe to the T, my cookies ended up looking thin flat and really crisp (see pic below) which is also great but my children prefer the soft chewy kind. 

So i decided to tweak the recipe. I added 220gm of plain flour (instead of 180gm in the original recipe) and kept the oven at a max temperature of 160 degrees Celsius (instead of 180) and baked for 14 minutes instead of 8 -10 minutes.

With these simple tweaks the cookies ended up more chewy and thick. Just how we like them. I also experimented with using readymade choc chip instead of the dark chocolate peices and the result wasn’t as nice. So please sticl the dark chocolate peieces. Another tweak to this step was I ran the thermie for 2 seconds longer so that some of the chocolate came to powder form and some remained chunky. The end result of the powdered chocolate through the dough is just divine!

Below is a recipe using a electric beater. Enjoy!

cookies crumbs dessert food
Photo by Pixabay on


– Dark chocolate broken crushed into small pieces (can use mortar and pestle or wrap in cloth and crush with rolling pin)

– 220 gm plain flour

– 100gm caster sugar

– 100gm brown sugar

– 1 egg

– 150 gm softened butter

– 1/2 tsp bicarb soda

– 1/2 tsp baking powder

– pinch of salt

– 1 tsp vanilla essence


1 – Crush chocolate chips into small pieces and keep aside

2 – Add butter, sugars, egg & vanilla essence to electric beater and mix on medium speed till a cohesive mixture is formed and is soft in texture.

3 – Add flour, baking powder, bicarb soda and salt and beat again for a minute or until well mixed. 

4 – Add chocolate chips (powdered & pieces) and mix for another minute till forms a soft cohesive dough that doesn’t stick to the bowl. If it does, you may need to add more plain flour (and sugar). 

5 – Form small balls with palms and lightly press in shape, then line on baking tray.

6 – Bake for 14 minutes at 160 degrees celsius in conventional oven (not fan bake).




Working from home has its benefits and its drawbacks. The obvious one for a lot of people is not having to commute to work. Not to mention the big ‘F’ word for working parents – Flexibility. What were you thinking?! 😋

For me, having the flexibility to do a small workout in between meetings or as soon as the clock hits 5pm is dealmaker.

As soon as 2020 hit us with the pandemic businesses including gyms improvised and created online workout lessons that people could do from the comfort of their home while practicing social distancing. Having set up my gym in the garage, heading from work to gym has never been easier.

There are some unforeseen pitfalls to watchout for in the WFH scenario. Motivation. My motivation levels definitely took a dip. There are numerous reasons for it – lack of movement ( Motivation follows action, not the other way around), job insecurity, health safety but mainly lack of social interaction temporarily suspending the need to look good in dresses, coupled with the fact that lounge wear became new office wear for most! And we all know what that does to our waistlines 

After struggling to make a workout routine (and sticking to it) I came up with some of my own commandments to stay fighting fit and ready for your first post lockdown social outing. Here goes!

1 – Incidental exercise – Treat household chores as exercise. Cleaners are out, incidental exercise is in! Squat when you can when vacuuming or mopping. bicep curls with grocery bags, Lunges with 3 litre milk cans – Let your creativity go crazy. Safely.

four children washing silver toyota prius
Photo by Isaac Taylor on

2 – Aim for Weights training 5 times a week – I’m a cardio fan and have used it successfully to reach my weight loss goal in a breakthrough challenge. Combining it with resistance/ strength training though, takes it to another level because it burns calories even after you finish the workout. It tones the muscle under the fat. Think of it as a doona coming off to uncover the rocks underneath. Makes you feel stronger and is a great option to get a good workout if you’re not feeling the vigorous activity vibes on any given day.

person holding black barbell
Photo by Victor Freitas on

3 – Aim for at least 3 long walks per week – They can be relaxing relaxed pace long walk or medium paced jog or a combination of sprints and brisk walk. The key is to keep it challenging for your body for the fat loss. You can choose to listen to workout music to pump you up or an audio book. Or just tune into the sounds of nature if you prefer a relaxed quiet walk.

woman in brown sleeveless dress and blue jeans standing on gray path road
Photo by Noelle Otto on

4 – Track your food – Too many people either deprive their bodies of nutritious foods &the food they love because of not tracking their food. Personally using myfitnesspal has helped me immensely on my weight-loss and strength-building journey. When you log your food, it takes the thinking & guesswork out of the process and you can include a favourite food as long as it fits within you macro goal.

chocolate bar placed near carton in studio
Photo by Oyster Haus on

5 – Do an Accelerator day – If you haven’t already heard of it. An accelerator day is a high protein/ low carb diet one protein calorie intake while dropping down your carb consumption for the day, say to 10% – 20%. When hunger strikes, keep another protein rich snack ready and avoid all starchy vegetables. I can guarantee results will show fast and your stomach will thank you for those rest days!

delicious breakfast with fish sandwiches on plate
Photo by Geraud pfeiffer on

Over the course of my weight loss journey, I’ve realised that getting a weigh drop through a breakthrough challenge is a great way to kickstart your health and fitness journey but maintaining it as a sustainable lifestyle requires consistency but also with kindness towards yourself!

Healthy Thermomix recipes coming soon!



Welcome to my blog!

Kudos to all you brave people going through covid-19 lockdown! Some mammas like me are struggling to find a routine and some semblance of structure. In addition to being a mother, were also playing the role of teacher/tutor and the maintenance crew. As conscientious mothers we take on too much. 

So I’d like to share some tips on how I manage my time between the ‘must-do’ and fun activities. I strive to follow a basic routine everyday but not everyday is my best.

1 – Plan your day ahead – I like to plan. Simple old fashioned lists and goals. So I write down three activities that will ‘move the needle’ for you today. The Big 3. No more than 3. At times even one may be enough! Living in a lockdown means we have more time to do things. Instead of trying to cram more in a day, I make a conscious choice to pace the activities out. This also makes them more enjoyable and relaxing while giving a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. 

a person sitting on wooden planks across the lake scenery
Photo by S Migaj on

2 – Include a fun activity with family once or twice a week. They seem like too much work to plan but children’s energy is infectious and it’s hard not to have fun when you let them run the show for a change and their creativity always takes me by surprise! Past week we went exploring in our backyard for what kind of shrubs and plants grew there. 

Zinnia flower in Cupola window
Zinnia flower in Cupola window by NASA Johnson is licensed under CC-BY-NC 2.0

3 – Cook lunch/dinner in large quantities so you can use leftovers for lunch next day – This eliminated the need for me cooking for 3 meals a day. I’m not a ‘weekend batch cooking’ person so this comes as close to meal prepping in bulk. As a plus, the dishes taste even better as the flavours have more time to develop. A picture of our staple dish – chicken curry from my thermomix! Check out my Instagram page for inspiration

Beehive product photoshooting|| food photography
Beehive product photoshooting|| food photography by Max Smolyar is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0

4 – Make your weekends useless – Yes, you read that right – useless! When the lockdown started in July I decided to launch into a frenzy of activity packed day. That quickly descended as I had given myself too much to do. I was filling, not only my weekdays, but weekends what I ‘should’ be doing rather than what made me happy.

Nature & The Outdoors
Nature & The Outdoors by Lafayette Wattles is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0

Out of frustration from the monotony of routine, I suspended all the ‘must-do’ tasks for a day and spend the day working on my latest knitting project & binge watching Netflix and it felt great! Nothing like a guilt free & hobby happy weekend to rejuvenate yourself (and your family)

5 – I make time for a workout at least 5 days a week mixing up running, weight training and yoga to keep it interesting. Not only does it keep the weight off but also help vent the stress and anxiety in a healthy way. 

I hope these tips help you in some way and I look forward to hearing your coping strategies in the comments below.

Stay positive!

